Thursday, April 27, 2023

Weekends were made for Michelob

The year was 1990 and my college roommate and bff Laurie and I were on our way to our 1:00 class. I remember that it was Friday and this was our last class of the day. We were ready for the week to be over and because we were kind of old souls I'm pretty sure we were both singing the "Weekends were made for Michelob" jingle as we approached the classroom door.

Then we saw it, the gift from our Chemistry professor that every student hopes for on a sunny Friday afternoon.

Class is cancelled!

Yasssssss!! Our day just got sunnier. As we headed back home with some spring in our Adidas, we decided to have a little fun with our roommates Christine and Jodi so we hatched, what we thought was a pretty clever plan.

"You guys are not going to believe this!!" Laurie and I burst into the living room with all the theatrics we could muster.

"What happened?" Christine and Jodi were both concerned after our abrupt entrance.

"Amztutz Science Center just blew up!  I don't know exactly what happened, but I heard something went terribly wrong in one of the chem labs, there was a huge explosion and lots of flames, we barely escaped with our lives!".....Laurie and I were laying it on pretty thick.

Christine, who was pretty unflappable "Wow that's beat, I wonder if it's on the news"  pointing the remote at the television set to check out the local news.

Jodi sits up and thinking only of that pesky 3:00 Psych class in the furthest building from our apartment says, "I wonder if classes in the other buildings are affected?"

Before I take this story any further I'd like to point out that today Jodi is a highly degreed and well respected RN, but in 1990 she wasn't trying to worry about her GPA.  Jodi was the girl who rolled up to a party with a bowl of Jell-O shots....not individual Jell-O shots, nope, a giant plastic bowl of Jell-O made with cheap vodka from a jug and some spoons. She rolled prittttty large.

Classes being cancelled in the other buildings was an angle Laurie and I had not contemplated but before we could do or say anything, Jodi springs into action, snatches the phone off its cradle and calls the main Administration line.  The conversations goes a little something like this:

"Hi Jodi Gray here, I heard about what happened in Amztutz, so I'm calling to confirm that classes in the other buildings are cancelled...." her voice full of hopeful anticipation of the weekend starting early.

Confused lady on the other end of the line "hmm I'm not showing any campus wide cancellations...."

Jell-O Shot Jodi is not letting up "Really??  It just seems weird that we'd have to report to classes, given the situation, it's really a safety issue."

Even more confused lady "I can only tell you, that classes are running as planned."

Slamming down the phone in disgust Jodi shouts "God she's dumb, she didn't even know Amztutz blew up!"

As Laurie and I collapse in a fit of laughter we agree we've gone far enough with this prank and let Jell-O Shot Jodi in on our joke. She was neither amused nor inclined to attend class that afternoon.  Shooting us a very annoyed look, she took a frosty Mich light out of the fridge and kicked off the weekend!

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