He's an interesting fellow but very unpredictable, some days he thrusts my coffee into my hands without so much as a word, other days he can go on and on and on about his thoughts on any number of subjects.
Some of the more interesting points he's made :
- Women don't watch sports, only talk shows.
- Your sister should not get back surgery, but instead go to Chinatown for a 3 hour massage.
- The building owner should stop raising the rent, otherwise no more coffee.
- Why do you wear the same sweatpants every day?
But yesterday was the cherry on the cake. Most days I go through the drive though, and most days it only takes him 3-5 minutes to realize I'm sitting there and he get's me my coffee and either talks to me or doesn't. Yesterday though, I sat and I waited and waited some more. After craning my neck I could tell that he was in a heated discussion with someone about god only knows, perhaps they discovered a woman who dislikes talk shows and watches sports.....
Anyway after probably 7 minutes, I could take no more so I parked the car and in I walked ready to give good ol' Mr K the business. As I entered the little cramped building, I saw there were 3 other older gentlemen surrounding Mr K and they were all shaking their heads in confusion. That's when Mr K noticed me.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there, we can't find Chad!" Mr K exclaims in a pretty frantic voice.
"Who's Chad?" Oh shit, I'm thinking someone lost their grandson.
"No Chad! Chad! The country we can't find Chad!" That's when I see they are all standing around a world map.
Well that explains the confusion I guess, that and the fact that they were scrutinizing South America.
"Mr K, Chad is in Africa" and that's when he elbowed one of the men aside and drumming his bony finger on the map said "Show me." So I opened the map to show him Africa and pointed to Chad. "Young lady, your coffee is free today!"
Chad (Arabic: تشاد Tšād; French: Tchad